The Berman-Lipavsky Religious School inspires children and families to love Judaism. Through formative, hands-on learning, students experience the enriching possibilities of an active Jewish life. Students translate Jewish values into Jewish action and spark a positive, lifelong connection to the Jewish community.

Ready to learn more?

Who we are.

We are an inclusive school community of Jewish families raising their children in a home committed to Jewish practice. Through partnerships with our families, we instill a strong sense of Jewish values and unshakeable Jewish identities.

What we believe.

Jewish learning may begin in the classroom, but Jewish identity flourishes at home. We believe students come to know Judaism in religious school and experience Judaism in their synagogue community, but they live Judaism at home. Students regularly gather with our broader Beth El community, which helps families familiarize themselves with the rhythms of the Jewish year and grow together Jewishly.

What we do.

We create a positive environment for our students to connect with Judaism on their terms and cultivate formative, hands-on experiences that help families live an active Jewish life at home, at Beth El, and everywhere in between.

Experience religious school at Beth El.

Our values-based curriculum encourages students to experience Jewish life, not simply study Judaism. Torah values come to life for our students as they put them into action in the real world. Students emerge from these experiences knowing what it means to be Jewish and how to live Jewishly. Having participated in tefillah (prayer services) and Hebrew instruction, our students graduate with mature Jewish identities, and knowledge of Jewish values, traditions, wisdom, history, and the Hebrew language.

Meet our School Director.

Cantor Emily Ellentuck

Director of the Berman-Lipavsky Religious School


Take the next step.

Review application deadlines.

“Need to know” dates for enrollment, school programs, and scheduled school closures, such as holidays and other events.

Let us know you’re interested.

In anticipation of your tour and to begin the application process, please tell us about yourself by completing this short survey.

Apply today.

It’s time to experience down-to-earth, values-based Jewish learning for kids and families. For more information on how to register, email Andy Shankman.

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