A Message from Rabbi Steven Schwartz

We are mourning the death of more than 1,300 Israelis and praying for the healing of more than 3,000 who have been wounded. With heavy hearts and eyes filled with tears we think of the hostages that have been taken, their families, our brothers and sisters in Israel, and the suffering of the Jewish homeland.

We pray not only for healing, but also for strength, courage, hope, and always, for peace.

A Love Letter to Israel by Rabbi Dana Saroken

You might not feel our care and you might not feel our support. But I promise you, from the deepest recesses of my aching heart, my exhausted body, my stirred up mind that has gone to places these days that it’s never been, and my soul that is devastated, horrified, and angry beyond what words can describe – we are there with you…CONTINUE READING

Rabbi Saroken’s Letter to the Mother of Hersh Goldberg-Polin

During the Shabbat sermon at Beth El Congregation on September 7, 2024, Rabbi Dana Saroken shared a heartfelt letter she wrote to the mother of Hersh Goldberg-Polin. Watch here.

A Message from Beth El Israel Affairs Committee

Devastated by the tragic events in Israel, the Beth El Israel Affairs Committee categorically denounces the savage atrocities committed by Hamas. We pledge our unflinching support of Israel and extend our deepest sympathy to our beleaguered brethren. We join with people of moral conscience around the world in exposing the barbaric perpetrator intent on annihilating Israel.

In Case You Missed It…

The Israel Connection Podcast: Dr. Einat Wilf Esti Zenati is joined by a special guest, Dr. Einat Wilf. They discuss the importance of Zionism, the right path to peace in the Middle East, and her latest book, We Should All Be Zionists. Listen here.

The Israel Connection Podcast: Meet Blake Flayton Esti is joined by Jewish writer, activist and co-host of the We Should All Be Zionists podcast with Dr. Einat Wilf. They talk about Blake’s activism experience and why he has chosen to be active in the fight against antisemitism, Zionism, his recent aliyah and more! Listen here.

Baltimore Stands with Israel

Our Beth El community, in collaboration with the Baltimore-Ashkelon Partnership, has made over 275 cards, posters, and signs for families and soldiers in Israel. See the beautiful cards here. Stop by one of our card making stations located in the main congregation lobby or the preschool lobby to make your card today! .

Community Gathering in Solidarity with Israel

On Tuesday evening (October 10), thousands of supporters of Israel gathered at Beth T’Filoh for a Community Gathering in Solidarity with Israel. We hope this video will provide some comfort to those who were unable to attend.

Emergency Campaign

Are you looking for an opportunity to give? The Associated: Jewish Federation of Baltimore has started an emergency fund to help victims in Israel with humanitarian services and support measures — 100% of your donation will go directly toward this life saving work. To donate or for more information, please visit:  https://associated.org/baltimorestandswithisrael/

Take Action

One Minute A Day. On October 7, 240 people were atrociously abducted by Hamas to Gaza. Among them are at least 33 babies and children, as well as women, people with disabilities, and elderly, from over 40 nationalities, including the United States. The U.S. has a singular role in ending this humanitarian crisis – but only if it makes it a priority. Take a minute of your day and make a call and save their lives. Learn more here.

I Believe Israeli WomenInitiated by JWI (Jewish Women International). On and after October 7, terrorists committed sexual violence against Israeli women, men, and children. Every day, these truths are denied. Virulent disinformation campaigns invalidate and deny the humanity of Israeli women, and of Jewish women everywhere. In this critical moment, we need to let Israeli women know that we stand with and believe them. Learn more and join the movement here.

Stay Informed

We understand that there is a tremendous amount of information, including misinformation, on social media related to the events happening in Israel. Below are a few reliable social media accounts that have been recommended by our friends and family members from Israel: 

IDF – Instagram | Facebook

Stand With Us – Instagram | Facebook

Bring Them Home Now – Hostages and Missing Families Forum


Times of IsraelWebsite



Kveller.com – How to Talk to Your Kids About the Violence in Israel and Gaza

AACAP.org – Talking to Children About Terrorism and War

NASPonline.org – Helping Children Cope with Terrorism

USCJ.org – Israel Resources

ADL.org – Stand with Israel

Associated.org – Israel Resources for All Ages

Beth El’s In-House Social Worker: If you feel in need of some additional support during this stressful time, our In-House Social Worker, Sarah Shapiro, LCSW-C, is available to talk and/or provide resources. To schedule an in-person, phone, or virtual appointment, please email Sarah at sarahs@bethelbalto.com

Local News

Foxbaltimore.com – Baltimore Community Gathers in Solidarity with Israel

WMAR2news.com – Baltimore County Jewish Community Calls for Release of Israeli Hostages in Gaza

WBALTV.com – Baltimore Jewish Community Calls for the Release of Hostages

JMoreliving.com – Baltimore Area Synagogues Hold Special Mourning Service

JMoreliving.com – Beth El and BJC to Present Discussion on Antisemitism on College Campuses

WMAR2news.com – Hundreds from Baltimore Jewish Community Head to DC for Rally

FOXBaltimore.com – Baltimore Locals Among Thousands at Pro-Israel Rally in Washington D.C.

JewishTimes.com – Parashat Vayishlach: Reunion and Reaction

The Associated.com – Visiting College: Hillel Directors on What Students Should Ask

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