In Israel, when we bump into someone in the street, we say “s’licha”- pardon me.
On the Saturday before Rosh Hashana, we gather together to recite S’lichot, through which we ask God to forgive us for our missteps during the past year.
This year, Beth El’s Traditional Selichot service will take place on Saturday evening, September 28, in the beautiful Gorn Chapel, and will feature the talents of eminent Cellist Evan Drachman and the Beth El Men’s Choir leading a prayerful, thoughtful, and musical Selichot service compiled, composed, and chanted by Cantor King.
The program will begin at 8:00 p.m. with the showing of an episode from a popular TV show, which touches on themes of repentance, followed by a brief discussion with the Rabbis.
The service will begin at 9:00 p.m. and will be followed by a dessert reception at 9:45 p.m.
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