Yvonne Epstein’s “Memory And Meaning”

I, like almost everyone, never thought we would still be experiencing this “new normal” way of life.  I really thought that it would last, maybe 3 or 6 months – never this long.
I have never been one too long for a “working from home” position.  I enjoy structure in my life – a schedule and interacting with people.  SO I put structure into my work from my home position.  Actual hours for certain work projects – taking walks during my lunch break which helped to clear my mind and get me away from the desk – my dining room table.  My interaction with people was completely different.  I enjoyed making the Caring calls, seeing congregants through zoom for the Thursday teatime and checking in on my friends. 
Even though I speak to my sister, my best friend, every day it certainly is not the same as in person.  The same goes for our Beth El staff and family.  After being employed by Beth El for 48 years I have enjoyed the friendship of many of our congregants and I truly missed that part of my day. 
Of course during this time many celebrations have been put on hold but I am sure we will enjoy many more in the future.  I think this time has been one of self-reflection for all of us.  
Hopefully, we have turned the corner on this pandemic and we will be together very soon inside the beautiful walls of Beth El.

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